Home Secretary announces new ‘short term workers route’ for seasonal workers

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Bangla sanglap desk:Home Secretary Mr Javid says the government is acting to make the future immigration system work for “those coming to the country, for businesses, for public services and the UK as a whole”.

The approach maintains protections for British workers whilst cutting bureaucracy, he says.

Here’s some of the detail outlined by Mr Javid:

Skilled workers

He announces a new route for skilled workers, with no cap on numbers and no requirement for high skilled workers to take a resident labour market test. There will be a minimum salary threshold.

Seasonal workers

There will also be a short term workers route for seasonal workers and others, which will be kept under review to so it can be improved where needed. Those who come on this scheme will have no rights to access public funds, settle or bring dependants, and can come to the UK for 12 months at a time.

This provides protection for British workers, whilst recognising that immigration alone cannot be be the solution for businesses, he says, and the government will continue to invest in improving skills in the UK.

International students

He adds that there will be no limit on the number of international students, and it will be made easier for them to stay.

‘Streamlined’ bureaucracy

The approach is “about opening Britain up to business, rather than creating red tape”, and includes a “streamlined application” process. They will also make it possible for more people to use e-gates and phase out use of insecure national identity cards.

The system will operate from 2021, he says, and phased in to give time to adapt, so there is no need for immediate changes or rushed through plans.

It is the “biggest change to immigration system in a generation”, but “not the final word”, he says, announcing a year long programme of engagement across UK to ensure all views are heard.

He says the new system is one that is “fair and sustainable” and addresses the concerns raised during the Brexit referendum.

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